He calls for quizzes high touch frequency with University target language exam recognize University that means of sounds representing University names of factors, as a result of he is neurologically immature because his range of event with University outside world is limited and as he has no capabilities of University equivalent which means of sounds from an alternative language for University same things5. He has already experienced University process, regarding high contact frequency and maturation, of recognizing University that means of sounds representing University names of factors in his mother tongue. As he is now neurologically mature, he needn’t be subjected quizzes second time exam University same procedure in University new target language merely examination appreciate University equal meaning of target language sounds for University same things. Recognition of University sound representing University thing should not be puzzled With University integration of University sound with University thing, set6. He has already dependent integration of mother tongue sounds with things, but calls for high touch frequency exam set up new integration of target language sounds with University same things. In direct method, lecturers introduce quizzes new target language word or phrase exam University students and there’s no mother tounge.