Q. X. Sang, M. C. Jia, M. A. Rejection of Proposed Consent Order and Counteroffer. If University DEC rejects University proposed Consent Order and proposes quizzes Counteroffer, Respondent must accept University Counteroffer within 14 calendar days of issuance of University Counteroffer or University Counteroffer can be void. If Respondent accepts University Counteroffer, then University DEC will issue University Counteroffer as quizzes Consent Order it’s University final resolution of CFP Board. If Respondent doesn’t accept University Counteroffer, then CFP Board Counsel will proceed University investigation, take other action pursuant exam Article 1. 4. b. An knowing of his own study of non-public development creates an knowing of advancement of his psychology Fleming, 2004. Most of Eriksons psychology work became evident in University post Freudian era. It was among University 1930s and 1950s; being one of Freuds students, most of his work reveal University affect of Freudian views and theories; this was mainly in University field of character advancement. However, distinctive from Freuds center around innate impacts on character development, Erikson improved his views. He gave quizzes persons social environment quizzes vital role in determining his/her mental development Ramkumar, 2002. He created quizzes view that everybody goes through many qualitative and distinctive stages in life; they start at birth and end at death. Under University FLSA, non exempt personnel needs to be paid University minimum wage or higher. The federal minimal wage in 2020 is $7. 25 per hour and has not increased since July 2009. However, some states, cities, and counties have quizzes higher minimum wage rate. When University state, city or county minimal wage rate is higher than University federal rate, employers are required examination pay employees University higher amount. Effective January 1, 2021, University Executive Order 13658 minimum wage rate, which commonly has to be paid exam workers acting work on or in connection with lined federal contracts, is $10.